Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Duke University

The first podcast I chose was "The South in Black and White." These gentlemen were talking about sitting down and discussing the past as well as the present. They would bring in singers, songwriters, musicians, and southern storytellers that would help them to tell the story of how things went on then and what is going on now. They were to discuss race relations in Durham, NC and abroad. The made mention of the Duke Lacrosse incident and also of the murder of Emmitt Till.

The other I chose was "The Black Panthers Legacy Panel Discussion." One of the people said, "The role of the Black Panther Party has been distorted by the media." They feel that the media has made the Party look like a bunch of black people who got together to go against the government and white people. They even talked about myths and misconceptions. One was that the media made up the Black Panther Party. That was not true.

The Black Panther Party was known for doing much charity work in the community such as delivering meals to the needy. They are an organization that accepts all races of people. The Rainbow Coalition was formed from this party. I chose these two because we are hearing about race a lot more now that Barak Obama is president elect. There are those who are not happy because of his African-American lineage. Prayerfully we will soon get over these racial barriers. They have no place in our society and definitely not in our classrooms.

iTunes/Duke University

1 comment:

Jennifer Averitt said...

Good Job Rosilyn. P.S. Check you jaguar1 account.